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Re: libquad question

On Mon, Sep 06, 2010 at 02:26:38PM +0200, Dominique Dhumieres wrote:
> Steve,
> I am not sure to understand your problem.

The problem is that on FreeBSD (and any other system)
where precision(1.0_10) and precision(1.0_8) are
the same, the testsuite may not run tests on REAL(10),
because the code typcally uses selected_real_kind()
with the idiom 'precision(1.0_8) + 1'.  For example,
see default_format_2.f90.

The only way that I've found to enumerate the available kinds
(with libquad install) is

 integer, parameter :: k1 = selected_real_kind(precision(0.0))
 integer, parameter :: &
 &  k2 = max(max(k1, selected_real_kind(p = precision(0.0_k1) + 1)), &
             min(k1, selected_real_kind(r = range(0.0_k1) + 1)))
 integer, parameter :: &
 &  k3 = max(min(k2, selected_real_kind(p = precision(0.0_k2) + 1)), &
             max(k2, selected_real_kind(r = range(0.0_k2) + 1)))
 integer, parameter :: &
 &  k4 = max(max(k3, selected_real_kind(p = precision(0.0_k3) + 1)), &
             min(k3, selected_real_kind(r = range(0.0_k3) + 1)))

 real(k1) a
 real(k2) b
 real(k3) c
 real(k4) d

 print '(I2,1X,I2,1X,I4)', kind(a), precision(a), range(a)
 print '(I2,1X,I2,1X,I4)', kind(b), precision(b), range(b)
 print '(I2,1X,I2,1X,I4)', kind(c), precision(c), range(c)
 print '(I2,1X,I2,1X,I4)', kind(d), precision(d), range(d)


laptop:kargl[208] ./z
 4  6   37
 8 15  307
10 15 4931
16 33 4931

It is not possible to use either precision() or range() alone
to get all possible kinds.


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