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Re: [Patch, Fortran, OOP] PR 44541: wrong code for polymorphic variable with INTENT(OUT)/Alloc w/ MOLD

On Wed, Sep 01, 2010 at 07:01:02PM +0200, Tobias Burnus wrote:
> The question is: Why are INTENT(OUT) variables already assigned a value? 
> I do not want to change the code until one has understood, why the 
> following currently works - or until one has found an example which 
> fails the the current code. The following example prints "1":
> type t
>   integer :: i = 1
> end type t
> type(t) :: a
> a%i = 8
> call init(a)
> print *, a
> contains
> subroutine init(x)
>   type(t), intent(out) :: x
> end subroutine
> end


(23) Invocation of a procedure that has a nonpointer nonallocatable
     INTENT (OUT) dummy argument causes all nonpointer default-initialized
     subcomponents of the dummy argument to become defined.

Note there are restrictions on optional arguments.

type t
   integer j
   integer :: i = 1
end type t

integer :: j = 0
type(t) :: a

a%i = 8
call init(j, a)
print *, a
a%i = 8
call init(j)
print *, a


subroutine init(k, x)
   integer, intent(in) :: k
   type(t), intent(out), optional  :: x
   if (k == 1) then
      if (present(x)) x%j = k
   end if
end subroutine


troutmask:sgk[207] gfc4x -o z h.f90
troutmask:sgk[208] ./z
           0           1
           0           8


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