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PR 44434

Hi folks,
I have just opened the subject PR; what I am not 100% sure about is
whether it's valid or invalid code:
subroutine test(a,ires,info)
  use d_mat_mod
  class(d_mat) :: a
  integer :: ires,info

  select type ( aa => a%a)
  type is( d_xxx_mat) 
    ires = aa%nnz
  class default
    call a%a%csget(ires,info)
!    call aa%csget(ires,info)  ! With this line compiles cleanly
  end select
end subroutine test
XLF and NAG both accept the code that throws GFORTRAN into ICE; I
suspect it should be legal. Full code in bugzilla unde the PR 


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