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Re: 4.5 stripped static build 32 bit: a dynamic link trouble

Jason Blevins <> ha escrito: wrote:

Hi again,

I have a dynamic link trouble with the experimental 4.5 release
(stripped static build) for 32-bit processors (i686). From:

I tried to install the package:

following link
(Installation instructions). Then,

$ cat hellow.f90
program test
  implicit none
  print " hellow world "
end program

This is unrelated to your main question, but you will eventually want to change the above line to specify the format (* will work), e.g.,

print *, "hello world"

Yes of course, it was a "side effect" when I cut and past this text ...

$ gfortran -o hellow.exe hellow.f90
/usr/local/gfortran/libexec/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/4.6.0/f951: error
while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared
object file: No such file or directory


# yum install mpc
Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit
Setting up Install Process
Package mpc-0.16-1.fc10.i386 already installed and latest version

I don't know the specifics for Fedora Core, but typically library packages are named lib* on most Linux distributions. mpc is actually a client program for music player daemon, so the package you want is probably called libmpc or libmpc2. Hopefully the packaged version in the repository will be new enough, otherwise you may have to find a newer version or build it yourself (which opens an entirely new can of worms).

Thanks for these clarifications. Then, after installing these missing libraries, i.e.

i) MPFR (from


ii) MPC (from

the GNU Fortran (GCC) 4.6.0 20100406 (experimental) [trunk revision 158023] compiler is working properly again!

Thanks for your time.


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