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Re: Gfortran OpenMP SINGLE vs MASTER

On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 09:41:23AM -0700, Matt Fago wrote:
> I seem to have run into an issue with OMP SINGLE on gfortran 4.3.0. For 
> the code snippet:
>         write(*,*) " -- work --", omp_get_thread_num()
>         ! Do things that must only be done once
> about half-way through the program execution I start getting output from
> each thread. Perhaps memory corruption (stomping on libgomp), but valgrind
> does not show anything. If I change it to MASTER everything works ok. 
> Intel Fortran and FSF gcc 4.4.0 also works ok (neither would be surprising 
> if it were a memory issue).


> I can also certainly open a bug (I didn't find a previous report), but 
> thought it best to ask first, due to the issue with Redhat and the 
> impending 4.5.

A gfortran bug in a version older than 4.4.x that is
not present in either 4.4.x or trunk(aka 4.5) is unlikely
to draw any attention.  This is simply a man power issue.
There are too many bugs (against 4.4 and 4.5) and too few
worker bees.

If it's possible, it would advantageous to switch the
latest 4.4.x release.


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