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routine call with allocatable argument


I have a routine A like this :
subroutine A(tab)
real(kind=long),dimension(:),allocatable,intent(inout):: tab

There is a second routine B which call A :

subroutine B(tab)
integer :: nx, ny, i
   if (allocated(tab)) deallocate(tab)

   do i=1,nx
       call A(tab(i,:))
   end do

gfortran conplains with the following error message :
Error: Actual argument for 'tab' must be ALLOCATABLE at (1)
with line number of call A statement

G95 compiles this code without error message and, as far as I can know, the produced executable does its job correctly.
Which compiler is Fortran conforming ?


Jean-Baptiste FAURE
Cemagref - Unité de Recherche Hydrologie-Hydraulique
Tel: 04 72 20 87 76 - Fax: 04 78 47 78 75 - Web:
Cemagref-Lyon 3bis, quai Chauveau C.P.220 69336 Lyon cedex09 FRANCE
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