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Re: [fortran-dev, patch] PR29962 - add simplifier for dot_product, matmul, transpose (F2003)

Tobias Schlüter wrote:
On a similar note, I have been thinking for a long time that an infrastructure where initialization expressions need not be evaluated as a whole during compilation would be a better idea than expanding large array constructors (NB we still have limits on those, even though its controlled by a command line flag).

So if you have
REAL, PARAMETER :: X(N,M) = [ ... ], Y(M,L) = [ ... ]
PRINT *, Z(1,1)
you would only evaluate Z(1,1) at compile time (if at all), never expanding the MATMUL as a whole (it should be relatively easy to defer that to the runtime, just allocate space for Z and initialize it by building the function call). Currently this is not possible because our way of checking for initialization expressions is to simplify them, and then seeing if a constant expressions turns up.

Sorry to reply to myself, but it just occurred to me that something like this would also be a great tool for checking if the implementation in simplify.c matches the one in the library: just add a flag that pushes all function evaluations into the binary instead of doing them at compile time, and then use this flag to compare the two implementations.

- Tobi

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