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Re: [Patch, Fortran, 4.5] [RFC] -fruntime-check=<....>

Jerry DeLisle wrote:
> I prefer the -fcheck-whatever form rather than the -fruntime=whatever
> form for any and all of these checks. I also think that having a
> -fruntime-check-all would be a good idea if we are going to have all
> these different kinds of checks.
Jerry and I discussed on IRC about it and we both found
-fruntime-check=... a bit lengthy. -fcheck=... would be a shorter
version, which Jerry thinks could be confused with compile-time checks;
he then proposed -frun-check=...

I'm open for different names, but otherwise I would go for:


(which means for the patch: s/fruntime-check/frun-check/g)

Any other opinion? And can someone review the patch? Thanks!


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