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"gfc_code2string(): Bad code" error for gfortran-4.3.2 on Darwin PPC

I have run into a "gfc_code2string(): Bad code" error for gfortran-4.3.2 on Darwin PPC that did not occur with gfortran-4.2.4. I am running a PowerMac Dual G5 with MacOS X 10.4.11. I have reproduced the error in the following simplified test case:

! dummy_mod.F
module DUMMY !all global variables defined here
implicit none

logical (kind=1) :: MEMCHEKDONE = .false.

end module DUMMY

! count_test.F
implicit none


  subroutine ARRAYCOUNT
    integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: A
    integer :: NUM,CNT

NUM = 5


    A(:) = 0
    A(2) = 1
    A(4) = 1

CNT = count(A == 1)

    write(*,*) 'CNT = ', CNT
  end subroutine ARRAYCOUNT

end module TESTCOUNT


When compiled with the following commands: >gfortran-432 -ffree-form -c dummy_mod.F >gfortran-432 -ffree-form -c count_test.F

the following output occurs:
>end module TESTCOUNT
>                   1
>Internal Error at (1):
>gfc_code2string(): Bad code

The triggers for this error are the following two lines: from dummy_mod.F -> logical (kind=1) :: MEMCHEKDONE = .false. from count_test.F -> CNT = count(A == 1)

With both of these lines present, the error occurs. If either of these lines is eliminated, the code compiles without error. As I previously stated, the error does not occur with the 4.2.4 and earlier gfortran, but does occur with either 4.3.1 or 4.3.2. Is this a regression or am I doing something wrong in my coding?

Thanks for your help,

Chris Talley Principal Aerospace Engineer CFD Research Corporation 215 Wynn Drive Huntsville, AL 35805 256-726-4835 cst at cfdrc dot com

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