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Re: changelist info (was: fortran compiler strangeness)

Brian Barnes wrote:

> >
> >
> >
> Yeah, the general gcc changelist.  This would have me believe the only
> fortran specific chagnes between 4.1 and 4.2 were a couple of F2003
> features and an adjustment to how unformatted files were written.  No
> reason for me to upgrade.  Following the gfortran list, I know there have
> been lots of other changes and fixes, but those are not mentioned there.
> Downloading the new version is one way to see all the changes, but it'd be
> easier if it was on the wiki.

Well to be fair, it also mentions the availability of OpenMP which could
be potentially be a big feature for some users.

I think you could make an argument that if there are significant
end-user-affecting changes that aren't listed on changes.html that the
appropriate thing would be to add them there and not split the
information into multiple places by having it somewhere on the wiki.


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