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Re: [Fortran-Experiments]: patch

here is another patch for the fortran-experiments branch.  it primarily

   - error checking of binding labels for bind(c) common blocks.
   - implementation of c_funloc
   - fixes for c_null_ptr and c_null_funptr
   - allowing for NAME=""
   - improved error checking for c_loc and c_funloc
   - test cases

there are some other changes that i think were more minor, but the above
are the main ones.  bootstrapped and regtested on x86 with no new

Committed to fortran-experiments branch.

Thanks, Chris!

thanks Steve. my next patch (hopefully soon) will fix a bug found by Tobias with c_ptr and c_funptr. the bug was found in functions of either of these return types, but it was more general than that. i think
i've since fixed it and am now going through adding test cases, etc., and
then i'll submit a patch.


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