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Re: UNMASK() intrinsic?

Steve Kargl wrote:
On Thu, Jan 04, 2007 at 05:34:15PM -0800, Brooks Moses wrote:
The intrinsic.texi documentation has an entry for an UNMASK() intrinsic, but has no documentation for it. I can't find any trace of this intrinsic in intrinsic.c or iresolve.c. Am I missing something, or is this simply a phantom that doesn't really exist?

Is this suppose to be UMASK?

That would be my best guess for where it came from, though there is also a documentation entry for UMASK. Unless someone says that I'm missing something, I'll probably go ahead and delete the UNMASK entry in my next intrinsics.texi patch.

- Brooks

P.S. Thanks for the quick approval on the gfc_check_kill_sub patch!

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