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Re: Problems with STREAM I/0

Steve Kargl wrote:

I spent the day helping a colleague debug a problem with
the STREAM IO feature. I'm not sure if this is FreeBSD
specific, but I thought I'd get your opinion before filing a bug report.

Consider this code

program avl
   implicit none
   real dt, t, a(10)
   integer i
   dt = 1.e-6
   a = real( (/ (i, i=1, 10) /) )
   open(unit=11, file='a.dat', access='stream')
   open(unit=12, file='b.dat', access='stream')
   do i = 1, 10
      t = i * dt
      write(11) t
      write(12) a
   end do
end program avl

The file a.dat should contain 10 REAL values and thus have
a size of 40 bytes. The file b.dat has 100 values and should
have a size of 400. What I actuall see is

-rw-r--r--  1 kargl  kargl  - 396 Sep 12 17:04 a.dat
-rw-r--r--  1 kargl  kargl  - 436 Sep 12 17:04 b.dat

It appears that write(11) and write(12) are both writing
to both files.

Note, if I comment out the 'write(12) a' and erase the above files
I see

node10:kargl[229] ll *dat
-rw-r--r--  1 kargl  kargl  - 40 Sep 12 17:16 a.dat
-rw-r--r--  1 kargl  kargl  -  0 Sep 12 17:16 b.dat

which is what I expect.


This is definitely a bug. If I comment out one of the writes, the file length of the file resulting from the remaining write is the correct length. (Either one, 40 or 400)

Not good!


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