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Possible error in unused parameters diagnosis warnings

Hello again

This is to submit an error in the unused parameters diagnosis warnings
(code compiles fine... so it is not a compalier usability problem)
I kept getting alot of ": warning: unused parameter 'param'" when
compiling with gfortran that don't seem correct. so I wrote a sample
program to illustrate...

program unusederror
   implicit none
   call test1(1)
   call test2((/1,0/))
   call test3((/'  toto','tutu  '/))
   call test4('tutu','toto')
   call test5('tutu ')
   subroutine test1(in1)
      implicit none
      integer, intent(in) :: in1
      if (in1==1) then
         write(*,*) 'hello world test1'
      end if
   end subroutine test1
   subroutine test2(in2)
      implicit none
      integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: in2
      if (any(in2==1).or.in2(2)==0) then
         write(*,*) 'hello world test2'
      end if
   end subroutine test2
   subroutine test3(string3)
      implicit none
      character(len=*), dimension(:), intent(in) :: string3
      if (any(string3=='tutu').or.string3(2)=='tutu') then
         write(*,*) 'hello world test3'
      end if
   end subroutine test3
   subroutine test4(string41,string42)
      implicit none
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: string41,string42
      if (any((/string41,string42/)=='tutu')) then
         write(*,*) 'hello world test4'
      end if
   end subroutine test4
   subroutine test5(string5)
      implicit none
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: string5
      if (trim(string5)=='tutu') then
         write(*,*) 'hello world test5'
      end if
   end subroutine test5
end program unusederror

>> gfortran -W -Wall unusederror.f90
unused.f90:5: warning: unused parameter 'string3'
unused.f90:4: warning: unused parameter 'in2'

Lahey Fortran 90 Source Check Output

Checking file SOURCE.F90.
Checking program unit UNUSEDERROR at line 1.
Encountered 0 errors, 0 warnings in file SOURCE.F90.


1) Warnings are false to me and Lahey(see above) because these
variables are used...
2) I don't understand the line references they seem to refer to the
function call instead of its declaration...

It seems that whenever dealing with an array that is when we get this
error... because only test3 and test2 issue the bogus warning...
Arrays can also be real or other types...

I would be curious to get your opinions on this matter... (This is low
priority but might be good to keep in mind for the final touches of


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