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Re: [gfortran,patch] Internationalisation of the Fortran front-end

> | gfc_error ("Expected array subscript at %C") is marked as c-format,
> | because %C is a valid printf-style format; in fact, it is used here in
> | gfortran internal format to represent the current locus.
> Passing locus around is specified with %H.

gfortran doesn't use locus in the same sense that other front-end
routines. An example of error message is:

 In file a.f:1

Error: Syntax error in WRITE statement at (1)

which is caused by gfc_error("Syntax error in WRITE statement at %C").

> You'd need to combine both styles into a single one, passing the locus
> explicitly and using the %H format specifier.

So I guess this part is not relevant.


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