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Re: Processor-specific code

----- Original Message ----- From: "François-Xavier Coudert" <>
Newsgroups: gmane.comp.gcc.devel,gmane.comp.gcc.fortran
Cc: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2005 3:39 PM
Subject: Processor-specific code

Hi all,

I'm working on implementation of the different FPU options for libgfortran, the runtime library for gfortran (e.g., on which floating-point exception do we want a SIGFPE to be raised, what rounding-mode does the user want, etc.).

There is nothing in standard C (or even POSIX) to do that, and we'll have to include some processor-specific code. How does the build system allow that? Can we have a system of MACRO defined depending on the target processor (something like TARGET_FPU_IS_PPC)?


PS: If I said something stupid or offended your sense of riguor, please don't be too harsh on someone new to this kind of problem.


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