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parse tree question

I have the following lines of code:

      LWKOPT = MAX( 1, MN+2*N+NB*(N+1), 2*MN+NB*NRHS )
      WORK( 1 ) = CMPLX( LWKOPT )

When I use -fdump-parse-tree I see this:

      ASSIGN lwkopt __max_i4[[((1) ((+ (+ mn (* 2 n)) (* nb (+ n 1))))
((+ (* 2 mn) (* nb nrhs))))]]
      ASSIGN work(1) __cmplx0_4_i4[[((lwkopt) ((arg not-present)) ((arg

As I understand, the intrinsic function CMPLX takes one or two arguments
so I wonder if this is showing an extra arg not-present? or more likely
I don't understand enough here.


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