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Re: g77 3.4.(2|3): Failure when calling gcc 3.4.(2|3) functions

Thanks for the feedback!  I'll see what I can work up.  Two of us here
have tried coming up with small test cases which reproduce the problem,
but have failed so far.  We are going to make another attempt.  In my
initial email, I forgot to mention that this is compiling for i386.  As
another data point, when we compile the same code for x86_64, there is a
failure in the exact same point, but with different a symptom.  Namely,
under x86_64 the int * has a valid address associated with it, but the
value at that address is 0 regardless of what the calling argument was.

Thanks again!
  - Sam

On Sat, 2004-11-20 at 12:45 +0100, Toon Moene wrote:
> Samuel Ziegler wrote:
> > Also, when I tried to create a small test case, I couldn't recreate the
> > issue.
> This normally means that "the issue" is something else than you describe 
> :-) (at least in my decade long experience finding g77 errors).
> > I have plenty of debug info, assembler output, but was unsure what was
> > required.
> Please try to reduce the test case that shows the bug to something 
> reasonable, or failing that, mail me all the stuff personally.
> Thanks,

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