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Re: Implementing ENTRY

Paul Brook wrote:
apart from that I cooked up the design and the code myself. My idea is
to do the following (from a comment I put in resolve.c, the code
requires my previous patch):

This isn't a new idea, it's what g77 does ;)

Once you think of master functins and case statements, there aren't much alternatives on how to do it, I guess :-)

PROCEDURE p_2 ( args_2 )

^^ Typo? Should be args?

CALL master_p ( 2, args_2=args )
                                      ^^^ the typo's here, should be
			                  args_2 :-)

This is somewhat unclear on how we handle multiple (possibly overlapping) arguments. For example:
  The way we make sure that the arguments end up in the right places
  is that we give them keyword names of the form "args_n_i", where n is
  as above and i is the position in the argument list of that
  respective ENTRY. This means we have to generate code to copy the
  arguments into the right local variables inside the master function.

Maybe that's is what is what you mean here. IMHO the best way to implement my

I do.

example would be:

subroutine _internal_foo (_which, a, b, c)
  integer which, a
  integer, maybe_optional :: b, c
  select case (_which)
  case (0): goto _label_0
  case (1): goto _label_1
  end case
  call abort
  print *, b
  if (a .gt. 0) print *, c
end subroutine

subroutine foo (a, b)
  integer a, b
  call _internal_foo (which=1, a=a, b=b)
end subroutine

subroutine bar (a, c)
  integer a
  real c
  call _internal_foo (which=2, a=a, c=c)
end subroutine

Either way the example should cover how this is handled.

Originally I thought this would be more difficult to implement than my 'sets of arguments'-idea, but thinking more about it, I think you're right. This way I won't need to setup code to copy stuff around, and I don't have to make different parts of the implementation agree on how those lists are setup.

The split between frontend and backend seems sensible. Don't jump through hoops to enforce this though.

That was the outcome of a moment's reflection. If I can do it more easily in a different way, I'll do it differently.

I think "stub" or "thunk" may be more appropriate wording than "trampoline".

:-) I thought about the tailcall conversion, which would convert the calls in the 'trampolines' to jumps, where program execution would just bounce off into the huge function.

It looks like that ENTRY statements are redundant. Do we really need them?
The backend doesn't need to know where the entry points are, so maybe these would be better as a list of interfaces hung off the master symbol

My idea was that the compiler would generate a trampoline whenever it encounters an ENTRY in the PROCEDURE's codestream. Admittedly, it might be easier to generate these functions as long one is still outside the function, I don't know GCC's interna well enough to judge this. Even then, having the ENTRYs in the debug output makes it easier to spot errors, and amending case EXEC_CONTINUE with case EXEC_ENTRY in the translation passes doesn't seem like a huge loss.

A thing I haven't yet thought through is the handling of the RESULT of a function, I hope this will drop easily into
this framework.

My suggestion would be to create an equivalence of all the result variables.

That's what I thought. It's reassuring that you think that this is the only difficulty.

Thanks for looking at this, I think I'll be able to finish a working prototype today.

- Tobi

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