The following file is miscompiled on x86_64-linux with -quiet -fPIC -fno-rtti -pedantic -fno-exceptions -fstack-protector --param ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mtune=generic -fpermissive -fno-exceptions -fno-strict-aliasing -fshort-wchar -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Os -freorder-blocks -fomit-frame-pointer -fpreprocessed dombindings.ii It was "fixed" or fixed for real, not clear, by a huge commit which I think is unlikely backportable, at least not in full. The problem seems to be in IPA-CP/IPA-* decisions, the growStorageBy method is called in several places in this TU with constant 1, so IPA-CP decides to clone things, but in the end clones just calculateNewCapacity (with implied lengthInc=1), but doesn't clone growStorageBy, eventhough the call to calculateNewCapacity from it call the clone that assumes lengthInc is 1. For that TU this isn't a problem, but growStorageBy is public linkonce function, and when mixing it with other TUs that call growStorageBy with other parameters, if this one wins, they ignore their last parameter and grow just by 1 instead of the desired amount. but ends up actually cloning just
Created attachment 26779 [details] dombindings.ii.bz2
Mine, the problem is that ipcp_need_redirect_p does not redirect back the problematic call because n_cloning_candidates == 0. That seems bogus, I'm investigating why it happens.
Created attachment 26787 [details] Proposed untested fix n_cloning_candidates is zero because ipcp_initialize_node_lattices thinks that growStorageBy does not need to be preserved because it only checks node->needed, which is false. In 4.5, we use cgraph_only_called_directly_p for this purpose which also tests node->local.externally_visible, which is what the attached patch, currently under bootstrap and testing, does too. With the patch at and -Os, we do not clone calculateNewCapacity and the problem therefore does not occur.
Patch passed bootstrap and testing and I have posted it to the mailing list:
Author: jamborm Date: Mon Mar 5 12:50:29 2012 New Revision: 184928 URL: Log: 2012-03-05 Martin Jambor <> PR tree-optimization/52430 * ipa-cp.c (ipcp_initialize_node_lattices): Also consider node->local.externally_visible as needed. Modified: branches/gcc-4_4-branch/gcc/ChangeLog branches/gcc-4_4-branch/gcc/ipa-cp.c